Alex is a manufacturing systems engineer and management consultant with more than twenty years professional experience in change management and business process optimisation.

Alex lives in Southwark, London, and is committed to living sustainably. He has school-age kids and is actively working with the local community promoting sustainability issues and tackling air pollution.

He holds a PhD in Manufacturing Systems Engineering, BSc in Mechanical Engineering and MSc in Ergonomics. He worked as an industrial engineering consultant for Tefen in electronic, automotive and bio-pharma supply chain, as well as senior positions at BT.



  • The vehicles are instantly-recognised and loved by the travelling public.

  • Black cabs were designed and built to last for many years, and handle many miles over their lifetime. They are solid platforms.

  • legislation is forcing cabs with traditional diesel engines to retire, but the chassis and bodywork are good for many more years.

  • Many of the design-features inherent to black cabs are born through years and miles driven on British roads.

  • Black cabs have a relatively large load capacity, including excellent wheelchair access.

  • The taxis have a famously small turning circle, which is invaluable in constrained town and city centres.

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